The Feast of the Holy Rosary on the liturgical calendar testifies to the importance of this form of prayer. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."
The power and the true mystery of the rosary is twofold: it is a powerful way to defeat the secularism of the world; and it adds so much to one's own spiritual life with Jesus Christ and his will for our lives. In the rosary we ponder the life of Jesus through the eyes of his mother. Her unique perspective opens us up to the reality of Christ. We become fully acquainted with his humanness and his divinity; and, become more intimate in understanding his life. As part of the communion of saints that Jesus began in his church, Mary lights his way for us on our path to eternal life.
We learn meditation by reflecting on his life while praying the rosary. Meditation is an extremely powerful way to enter into a deeper relationship with God, God doesn't need our prayers, nor does prayer change God or his will, BUT it changes us. It gives us humility, an understanding of his will, and strength to accept it, resulting in our growth in virtue.
Praying the rosary as a means to express our love for Jesus and his mother elevates the prayer. It is easy to fall into the trap of mumbling and rushing through the prayers, but if we pray each Our Father and Hail Mary clearly and with emotion it will take us along the path of joy, suffering, rejoicing, and triumph with Jesus and Mary as they walk the same path of life that we have to walk. Mary had to endure many sufferings and difficulties, often without knowing why, yet through prayer, she accepted them all as God's will...truly a perfect example of how we need to approach life.
The rosary has touched many people's lives in miraculous ways. I have heard of people who are not even Catholic, but who pray the rosary as it has such a spiritual calming that helps them to open up to prayer. I personally know two people who were on their deathbeds, totally incoherent to what was going on around them, yet they could be heard whispering the prayers of the rosary. I also know someone with dementia who has trouble saying a coherent sentence, yet she is able to pray the rosary daily. All that repetition that so many complain about, actually serves a purpose as late in their lives these people were able to pray during their time of deepest need. I even found myself praying the rosary without realizing it while in the path of a tornado, when fear totally had me in its grip, subconsciously that prayer came across my lips and brought me the peace of mind I needed. I felt strengthened and calmed in the recitation that led me into my meditation of the mysteries of the rosary and opened the portal into the life of Jesus and his mother.
The true mystery of the rosary is how it creates peace of mind, and how it elevates one into a renewed understanding of Jesus, the deep love he has for us, and all that he has done for us. It develops into a relationship with Christ and his mother that changes us in remarkable ways.
If you have not prayed the rosary for a long time, or never have prayed it, might I suggest that you pick up your beads, dust them off and begin again. And give it time to begin the change in you, meditation will improve as you practice it. And try a scriptural rosary to help you begin and enhance your meditation. It will not disappoint.
You can find the text to a scriptural rosary at this website: